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People’s Caucus

The People's Caucus is residents of the TGA that are infected and affected consumers of HIV services. The PC is formally recognized as affiliated with the Planning Council for the purpose of strengthening full and effective participation of people with HIV and to provide feedback on Planning Council activities and regular input into Planning Council processes.


Additional information and role of the PC is:

  • The PC is led by two (2) co-chairs: One (1) shall be elected by the PC members, and may or may not be a member of the Planning Council and One (1) shall be appointed by the Planning Council Co-chairs, who must be a Planning Council Members. The PC core responsibilities include:

  • Assuring that efforts will be made in a culturally sensitive manner to address the needs of the traditionally under served and/or hard-to-reach populations; 

  • Conducting ongoing education for consumers; 

  • Creating liaisons and/or relationships within the traditionally under served and hard-to-reach populations; and 

  • Performing other duties as may be required or as assigned by the Planning Council. 


Job Title
Term End Date
Wayne Wientjes
Co-Chair, Community Representative, People's Caucus
February 2026
Beverly Johnson
People's Caucus Co-Chair
February 2026

Membership and participation at the People’s Caucus is limited to infected and affected consumers of HIV Services.

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