About the Planning Council
The San Antonio TGA (Transitional Grant Area) Ryan White Part A Planning Council is a federally-mandated community group of dedicated volunteers appointed by the Bexar County Judge to identify and plan for the delivery of Ryan White Part A HIV/AIDS healthcare related core and support services.
Part A funds are used to meet the health care needs of people living with HIV/AIDS that are not met by any other health care programs.
The Planning Council takes the lead in conducting many of its legislated responsibilities and shares duties with the grantee in some areas. To guarantee that a broad range of ideas are heard, the planning council membership must reflect specific areas of expertise as well as disproportionately affected and historically underserved populations.
Individuals wishing to become a member of the Planning Council must submit an application, which is reviewed by the Planning Council’s Membership Nominations & Elections (MNE) Committee. Once approved, the application is presented to the full Council for an approval vote. Once approved by the full Council, the application is sent to the Bexar County Judge for formal appointment to the Council.
The Planning Council completes its work through a structure of committees and subcommittees all of which are open to the public.
The Council gathers information through needs assessment activities for use in making decisions to provide federal funding for medical care and support services to people living with HIV/AIDS.
The Council makes decisions that impact how federal HIV funds will be used for San Antonio TGA such as:
case management
emergency financial assistance
insurance assistance
medical care
medication assistance
The Planning Council encourages the public, especially those living with HIV, family members or community organizations that serve individuals living with HIV, to participate in the council’s efforts to ensure HIV-related healthcare services are available in the community. Individuals can get involved through a variety of ways, for example, attend monthly committee meetings, provide input through participating in needs assessment activities, like surveys or focus group discussions or sharing information about HIV-related services to individuals who may need them. Find more information in Client Services.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the San Antonio HIV Health Services Planning Council, download the Membership Application and follow the instructions for submission.
For additional information on all things Planning Council, download HRSA's Planning Council Primer
The Awards Process
Each year Congress approves different amounts of funds for Ryan White programs, including Part A which includes Part A Formula and Part A Supplemental funds.
·EMA's or TGA's must submit a grant application to HRSA/HAB to receive formula and supplemental Part A funds.
·Grants are written by the Recipient/Grantee and submitted in accordance with the “Request for Applications” timeline established in conjunction with HRSA.
·The grant year or fiscal year runs from March 1st to the last day in February each year.